About the Site

A few housekeeping points about KJVParallelBible.org:

  1. This site is intended to include as little interpretation as possible; it presents the facts of textual disagreement between the TR and the critical text in a way that proponents of both can agree on.
  2. The specific version of the Textus Receptus used by this site is Scrivener’s TR, an edition of the TR F.H.A. Scrivener made in 1881 to demonstrate the textual-critical choices made by the KJV translators. That edition can be viewed freely here on Google Books. The KJV translators used two slightly different editions of the TR as they worked on the KJV New Testament: Stephanus (1550) and Beza (1598). (For more information see the Which TR? page.) Scrivener’s TR is a record of the textual-critical choices they made. There are many other editions of the TR, with minor differences among them. Scrivener’s was the one used for this site, because it was constructed to match the KJV.
  3. The specific version of the critical text used on this site is the Nestle-Aland 28, the current edition of the CT used by basically all major modern English Bible translations except the NKJV and MEV (which uses the same Greek text as the KJV). That edition can be viewed freely here on the official NA28 site.
  4. The specific edition of the KJV used on this site is the Authorized Version made available by Logos Bible Software.
  5. Every difference between texts on this site was marked (and checked) by hand, not generated by computer. The work was done by men from KJV-Only and non-KJV-Only institutions. Any errors will gladly be corrected if they are sent to the administrator, Mark Ward, through the contact form. In 2021–2022, an editor was paid to go through the project looking for errors.
  6. As previously stated, Scrivener’s Textus Receptus isn’t the only TR, and Nestle-Aland isn’t the only critical text. Neither are “TR” and “CT” the only printed Greek New Testaments available. But they are the two major options, practically, for English Bible readers. Basically, all major English translations of the New Testament are based on either the TR (KJV, NKJV, MEV, KJV 2000) or the CT (ESV, NASB, NIV, CSB, etc.).
  7. There are differences between the TR and the CT that do not appear on this site—because they are so minor that they don’t show up in English translation. Spelling and word order, in particular, sometimes differ slightly but make no impact on the text on the English page. Δαυίδ (dauid) and Δαβίδ (dabid), for example, are both translated “David.” For a 100% full accounting of the differences between Greek texts, you have to learn Koine Greek. There is no alternative. This site is the next best thing for English speakers.
  8. There are also differences between the TR and the CT that do not appear on this site because the King James supplies in italics the very word that, though absent from Scrivener’s TR, is present in the CT. The word “me” in John 7:36 is an example.
  9. There are also differences between the TR and the CT that look big in English but are tiny in Greek: the difference between “receive such” (TR) and “support such” (CT) in 3 John 8 is one letter, ἀπολαμβάνειν (apolambanein) vs. ὑπολαμβάνειν (upolambanein). There are also differences which look big in Greek but not in English, such as “he” vs. “you” in 2 Thessalonians 3:6—παρελάβοσαν (parelabosan, CT) vs. παρέλαβε (parelabe, TR).
  10. This project was conceived, designed, and organized by Mark Ward, PhD, author of Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible.

Answering Reader Questions

A reader asked why certain clear differences between the modern versions and the KJV seem to be missing from the KJV Parallel Bible site.


Many thanks to the following volunteers who worked carefully through the entire New Testament and provided other help to the site. Special thanks to Dan Olinger, who worked through more chapters than anyone else—including the most difficult Greek of the New Testament, Acts and Hebrews. Special thanks also to Duncan Johnson, who set up a Trello page for the project and helped a great deal with organization and planning.

  • Dan Baker, PhD; Missionary, Australia
  • Wesley Barley, MDiv; Missionary, Mexico
  • Timothy Berg, MA
  • Jon Bolin, PhD (ABD); Missionary, Eastern Europe
  • Stephen Boyce, ThD
  • Marshall Fant, MDiv; Pastor, SC
  • Michael Frederick, MA; Missionary
  • Duncan Johnson, MDiv
  • Brent Karding, MA; Pastor, former Greek teacher at Faithway Baptist College
  • Brent Niedergall, MDiv; Youth pastor
  • Dan Olinger, PhD; Bible teacher at Bob Jones University
  • Sam Sinclair, MDiv; Pastor, Greek teacher
  • Gary Spaeth, ThM; Bible teacher at West Coast Baptist College
  • Mark Ward, PhD; Senior Editor for Digital Content, Logos Bible Software